Adams County, Pennsylvania


Online Dog Licensing

About Dog Licensing,
  • Pennsylvania State Dog Law (Chapter 21 of Title 7) requires all dogs three (3) months and older to be properly licensed every calendar year in the county they reside.

  • Annual licenses are valid from January 1 thru December 31 each year.

  • Microchipped dogs are eligible for a Lifetime license.

  • Dog owners aged sixty-five years (at time of application) and older are eligible for a reduced rate on the license fee (annual and lifetime).

  • Licenses may not be transferred from one dog to another.

  • Applications submitted online and by mail will be processed when received and the license will be mailed to you. Please allow up to 15 business days for processing and delivery.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the County Treasurer's Office at 717-337-9833 or by email at

All dogs three months or older must be licensed by January 1 of each year. Violators can be cited with a maximum fine of $500 per violation plus court costs.
To renew a license,
  1. Click 'Renew License'.

  2. Provide your Account ID and Password or a past license number. If valid, a shopping cart is made having your renewing licenses.

  3. To purchase new licenses, return to this page and select the new items.

  4. When you have all the items you need, click 'Check Out' from within the shopping cart to complete the process.

To purchase a new license,
  1. Click the appropriate license item from those to the right to add it to your shopping cart.

  2. To purchase other items, return to this page and select them.

  3. When you have all the items you need, click 'Check Out' from within the shopping cart to complete the process.

Renew Existing License

Convenience Fee Applies.
Please refer to the licenses listed
below for fee breakdown.

Regular Registration

Male / Female
Base Fee: $8.70
Online Fee: $2.00
Total: $10.70Add to Cart

Senior Citizen or Person
with Disability Registration

Male / Female
Base Fee: $6.70
Online Fee: $1.75
Total: $8.45Add to Cart
To qualify as a Senior, you must be 65 years of age or older. To qualify as a Person with Disability, you must acknowledge the following affidavit indicating your qualification under its terms.

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