About licensing,
  • All dogs five months or older located within Price County must be licensed.

  • Licenses are valid January 1 thru December 31 of each year.

  • Licenses must be renewed annually by April 1, failure to do so results in a $5.00 penalty to the licensing fee.

    WI State Statute 174.05(5) Late fees.
    The collecting official shall assess and collect a late fee of $5 from every owner of a dog 5 months of age or over, if the owner failed to obtain a license prior to April 1 of each year, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or if the owner failed to obtain a license on or before the dog reached licensable age. All late fees received or collected shall be paid into the local treasury as revenue of the town, village or city in which the license was issued. The governing body of any county, town, village or city may, when setting the amount of the tax, provide that any person purchasing a dog license for a dog 5 months of age or over after April 1 shall pay an additional late fee.

  • Licenses are only issued for dogs with current rabies vaccinations. If your dog is unable to vaccinate, please contact the Price County Humane Officer.

  • Altered (spayed / neutered) dogs are eligible for a reduced rate on the license fee.

  • If you have between two and twelve dogs, you may purchase a Multiple Dog License. To do so, select one Multiple Dog License item for the first dog and a sufficient number of Multiple Dog License, 2-12 for the remainder.

  • To license more than twelve dogs, please apply in person with the Price County Humane Officer.

  • Registered service dogs are eligible for a license at no cost. Please apply in person with the Price County Humane Officer.

  • Purchased licenses are non-refundable.

  • Licenses are not transferable from one dog to another.

  • Tags must be worn by dogs at all times.

  • If your dog becomes lost, please contact the Price County Humane Officer.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the Price County Humane Officer.

To renew a license,
  1. Click 'Renew License'.

  2. Provide your Account ID and Password or a past license number. If valid, a shopping cart is made having your renewing licenses.

  3. To purchase new licenses, return to this page and select the new items.

  4. When you have all the items you need, click 'Check Out' from within the shopping cart to complete the process.

To purchase a new license,
  1. Click the appropriate license item from those to the right to add it to your shopping cart.

  2. To purchase other items, return to this page and select them.

  3. When you have all the items you need, click 'Check Out' from within the shopping cart to complete the process.

Renew Dog License
This leads you through the process of properly renewing your dog licenses.
New License
- Base Fee: $20.00
- Online Fee: $2.50
- Total: $22.50
- Base Fee: $15.00
- Online Fee: $2.25
- Total: $17.25
- Base Fee: $35.00
- Online Fee: $3.20
- Total: $38.20
- Base Fee: $35.00
- Online Fee: $3.20
- Total: $38.20

Items purchased online are subject to a per item convenience fee, indicated as 'Online Fee'.

Purchases made online are payable using American Express, Discover, Mastercard and Visa credit cards.

Licenses are sent through the postal mail. Please allow up to 10 business days for processing and delivery.

All registrations are subject to review. Knowingly providing false or misleading information can result in penalty, fine or prosecution under the law.

Copyright © Online Dog Licensing  ·  All rights reserved  ·  www.OnlineDogLicensing.com